Luxury houses over a million euros: who buys them (and where)

Luxury houses over one million euros: who buys them (and where)

Reopla: more transactions. One purchase out of three over one million euro is in Milan, followed by Rome, Lucca-Forte dei Marmi, Naples-Capri and Porto Cervo

by Laura Cavestri

28 May 2022

Home: 2021 sales +34%, led by Genoa and Rome

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There is no crisis or pandemic hindering the market for houses 'above one million euros'. 4,163 properties with a value above this figure will be sold between 2020 and the first quarter of 2022. In particular, there are 2,400 in 2021 (+46% over 2020, when there were 1,640). The province of the "Paperoni" is confirmed as Milan, where 35.7% of property sales in this price bracket in the country are concentrated (and where prices per square metre have reached such peaks that large houses in growing areas, but certainly not classifiable as "super mansions", are arriving in the millions). These are some of the findings of the report by Reopla, the Sprengnetter Group company specialising in real estate software and big data analysis.

"It is too early to say whether geopolitical factors will influence this market," explains Patrick Albertengo, co-founder and managing director of Reopla. Undoubtedly the lockdowns had an impact on the lower 2020 numbers, but the market has only been on hold, only to pick up again in 2021 where demand has grown much more than supply'.

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Transactions over EUR 1 million are concentrated mainly in five regions. Lombardy leads the way with 1,703 properties (40.9% of total deals); followed by Latium (804, or 19.3%,) and Tuscany (588, 14.1% of the total). Then Campania (312 sales) and Sardinia (268).

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The cities

In Milan, most buying and selling was concentrated in the Garibaldi, Porta Venezia and Fiera De Angeli areas. Between 2020 and 2022, according to Reopla, the highest buying and selling was in Milan, in the Porta Venezia area, with a final price of EUR 22 million. However, the average price for this category of property is in the region of 1.7 million euros.


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The other provinces are far behind. Rome is in second place with 776 properties (18.7% of the total), located mainly in the historic city centre. The province of Lucca follows with 376 properties (9%), 85.1% of which are located in Forte dei Marmi. In addition, reports Reopla, 7.4% of sales at local level are between 5 and 10 million euro.
In Campania, properties in this category are mainly in the Naples area, in the Chiaia, Posillipo and S.Ferdinando districts. But 11.4% of flats above one million are in Capri. The Sardinian province of Sassari (244) closes the list, with half the properties (52.4%) in Arzachena, in the Porto Cervo area. This province stands out for having the highest percentage of sales between 5 and 10 million euro. The second most expensive sale concerns a villa in Sardinia, in Olbia, for 15.5 million euro.
'Buyers,' Albertengo further explained, 'are mostly foreigners. But the geography of nationalities has changed. More Europeans, English, Germans and Scandinavians, fewer Americans and Australians. Gone, for now, are the Russians'.
